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Rammstein – Making Of The Video "Keine Lust".
(From "Made In Germany" DVD, 2011).
English subtitles.
Age rating: 12+.


J.H. – Joern Heitmann (Director).
D.P. – Dennis Penkov (Special Make-up Effect Artist).
A. – Assistant.
S.S. – Survey Squad.
F. – Firewoman.
T.L. – Till Lindermann (Vocalism).
R.Z.K. – Richard Z. Kruspe (Solo-guitar).
P.H.L. – Paul Heiko Landers (Rhythm-guitar).
C.S. – Christoph Schneider (Drums).
C.F.L. – Christian Flake Lorenz (Keyboard).
O.R. – Oliver Riedel (Bass-guitar).

D.P.: (In dressing room) Well, we alotted three hours to do Till's complete make-up, and two hours for the other guys. And with the hot foam that we're using here, it's actually quite robust. You can really do a whole lot of things with it.

P.H.L.: (In dressing room) Okay?

A.: (In dressing room) Yes.

C.S.: I really don't want to show off here, but actually, it was my idea. And it's now so old, it's as old as the record is, our new album, and it was my dream to make it our first single, but that unfortunately didn't happen, it just didn't make it. Rammstein is back after a three-year break, totally adipose, with the song "Ich hab keine Lust".

P.H.L.: Normally, bands want to look real nice, athletic and attractive, and we do the complete opposite: We're old, we're ugly and we're fat.

(Preparing make-up).

J.H.: We've got a gigantic team of make-up artists. I think today, we have around 12 of them. And they have been busy for about a month, producing this outfit.

P.H.L.: (In dressing room) It's crazy how the mask goes with the facial expressions. Ya! Da-du-da! Da-du-bee!

R.Z.K.: (In dressing room) I'm really satisfied when I look at the others. It's good, heh?

P.H.L.: (In dressing room) (Sings quietly) And eating, ah, so difficult, my word, oh dear… And I can't make out with the chicks anymore.

(Put on a fat suit. Begin).

T.L.: (In dressing room) No. There! Now. It's coming, it's coming! We have to get the arms through first.

A.: (In dressing room) We have to pull it up over the legs first of all.

T.L.: (In dressing room) Can you pull it over my shoulder?

A.: (In dressing room) Like this?

T.L.: (In dressing room) Yeah, great.
No, through here first, because it goes taut here... yeah, right.
Great, super!

(Put on a fat suit. End).

C.F.L.You can see how jealous I am. I want to be this fat.

J.H.: Flake is the punk in the band for me, he's always anti-something. If Flake has no interest in something, he has no interest, He's interested in nothing. That's why he appears much later on in the video, as he wasn't even interested in joining in at the start. He's not interested in walking or eating, which is why he's slim, all the others are fat. Nothing interests him.

C.F.L. (A drive on an invalid carriage) Careful!
Unparked and driven off.
A pirouhette.
Drives well. It's absolutely safely saddled.

P.H.L.: (In dressing room) (He said to Olli) Which one are you? (All laugh).

C.S.: (In dressing room) Due to the beard, somehow. It makes it so real! Take a look!

P.H.L.: (In dressing room) He really moves.

O.R.: I'd like to go on a snowboarding holiday, and race down the piste, something like that. It's so unreal, to look so fat and still be able to move freely. And that is probably amusing for someone outside looking in.

A.: (In dressing room) The shirt has to be tucked in really well here, you can see these creases here.

T.L.: (In dressing room) I could get used to being dressed like this every day.

A.: (In dressing room) Doesn't it get boring though?

R.Z.K.: Actually, we just thought: all your senses get saturated after all the years. You've made good, you have money, you have too much... and nothing interests you anymore, nothing. And that is the idea: in the end, you just return to the place where you once began. You feel like making music again, you just don't want the paraphernalia. That's why we got together once again, to perform again, to make music together. It's what it's all about. This fat stuff is simply a symbol of all of the abundance. In reality, you just want to... (smoking) ...repeat the beginnings.

J.H.: (On shooting stage) You can finish your greetings here, then it's the intro, that's only half as long. Did you get that?

P.H.L.: (On shooting stage) Yeah!

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Good, the greetings stuff is in the background, you come up front, act like you're turning on and do the first two bars.

P.H.L.: (On shooting stage) I can turn on.

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Great. If there's odd bit of feedback, that's even better.
Okay, first the greeting, then you take the mic, and we have a rock concert here. We are now your guests.

S.S.: (On shooting stage) Ready, video! Rolling. Sound! Okay, 8th, clapperboard!

(Shooting video "Keine Lust" on screen).

P.H.L..: (On shooting stage) Perform like this: Or we act like we're slim.

T.L..: (On shooting stage) No, do it as fatties. Try, but it's getting slower, we're exhausted. First we step on the gas, then we sweat like pigs, then it's the gas masks, and a short lean against the car…

P.H.L..: (On shooting stage) (Laugh).

T.L..: (On shooting stage) …and it slows down, automatically.

(Shooting video "Keine Lust" on screen).

P.H.L..: We tried being funny, which was crap, as we look funny enough. Now we act as if it's normal to look like we do.

C.S.: So it's ok to get fat. You wind down automatically, become more cool. I now understand this: fat people are sometimes laid back and have their pride... Well, that's not too hard to comprehend either, when you try it out yourself, so faked.

C.F.L.: (On shooting stage) How far do I drive?

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Drive in here. It would be great if you did another turn, so I don't just have your from the back.

C.F.L.: (On shooting stage) Okay, I'll do it.

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Then we have the solo, right after that.

C.F.L.: (On shooting stage) How am I behaving? Am I enthusiastic, disgusted, bored?

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Actually, it should be totally autistic, free of emotion.

C.F.L.: (On shooting stage) The game is just for me?

J.H.: (On shooting stage) Yes.

C.F.L.: (On shooting stage) Ok.

(Shooting video "Keine Lust" on screen).

T.L.: (On shooting stage) The skin can't breathe. Neither here nor there, and then it all just pours down. It's hot! All the others freeze and I'm sweating.

C.S.: (On shooting stage) My face is falling to pieces, but that's irrelevant.

P.H.L.: (On shooting stage) (Laugh).

T.L.: (On shooting stage) (He said to operator) Can't you film him instead of us? Turn around please!

C.S.: (On shooting stage) I'll tear it off myself (laugh).

(Removing make-up).

A.: (In dressing room) Can you close the door here please?

C.S.: (In dressing room) Hey, I'm really not nearly as ugly as you all seem to think (laugh)! Hey (laugh), you can feel the edges here, so it's not so bad. It's already gone down here anyhow. And 1, 2, 3!

P.H.L.: (He is singing some song).

T.L.: (In dressing room) Don't cut it!

A.: (In dressing room) I have to.

T.L.: (In dressing room) Nonsense, we can get it up like this! It'll break (Put off remnant). It's so simple.

A.: (In dressing room) (Laugh).

(Shooting scene with firewomen).

S.S.: (On shooting stage) I need two sandbags, please.

T.L.: (On shooting stage) Have you fixed it down at the back?

S.S.: (On shooting stage) No.

T.L.: (On shooting stage) Why not?

S.S.: (On shooting stage) Jorn just wanted arms.

F.: (On shooting stage) Why not at the back?

T.L.: (On shooting stage) I don't know why either. Jorn?

S.S.: (On shooting stage) Because the camera won't see the back.

F.: (On shooting stage) Ready, camera.
I can't take it much more. We have to shoot now.

S.S.: (On shooting stage) No, this is just a trial run, so that you know how... Can you get round there?

F.: (On shooting stage) I need someone here to hold on with me, it's heavy.

S.S.: (On shooting stage) OK, I'll turn off and paint the back too. Still OK?

F.: (On shooting stage) Yes.

T.L.: (On shooting stage) That's enough, it doesn't take long anyway. Paint down below, so she knows how it burns behind.


Text by Shman.


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